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PostWysłany: Pon 3:00, 23 Maj 2011    Temat postu: GHD Flat Iron Authentic Mar-keting

How do you do this? Begin by thor-oughly defining your busi-ness. How accu-rate are your company’s vision and mis-sion state-ments? Where they written to con-form to busi-ness stan-dards? Or do they define the dri-ving force behind your busi-ness? Are your pas-sions pal-pable? Let them come through. When you read your writing do you feel an excited energy? Cus-tomers sense that energy and ride on it. This cannot be manufactured.

The first refreshing step is to realize that there are enough clients and cus-tomers out there who want exactly what you are offering, and will take com-fort in knowing that it is being rep-re-sented accurately.
There is a new way of thinking about mar-keting. If you believe in your product, are gen-uinely aligned with what you do, and you present your busi-ness with integrity and dig-nity, your ideal clients will be drawn to you GHD Flat Iron, and they will be far more likely to expe-ri-ence satisfaction.
Mar-keting is about rela-tion-ship building. When we come from a place of authen-ticity, when we allow our per-son-al-i-ties to come out in our busi-nesses, our con-nec-tions are more gen-uine and have greater ease. We can relax into who we are and cel-e-brate it.
Using lan-guage that is pow-erful and direct inspires people who share your values. Cap-ture what is real about your product or ser-vice. Without hes-i-ta-tion, tell the world proudly what you have to offer.

In it blows on a fresh breeze just when so many of us have grown dis-il-lu-sioned by the hype of con-ven-tional mar-keting advice; that feeling that we “should” be pre-senting our-selves in ways that con-forms to our poten-tial cus-tomers’ expec-ta-tions. Tra-di-tion-ally we are advised to create a subtle mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion of our busi-ness defined on by what we are told is the norm, the right thing to do in business.
When you begin to present your work from this foun-da-tion, you will attract people who are more likely to con-nect with you, like you, and trust you. They will also be cus-tomers who you enjoy working with because they are aligned with your passion.
Image of Invisible ManAuthen-ticity is pre-cise market place-ment. You are describing your busi-ness so that those who are nat-u-rally attracted to your goods and ser-vices can find you. They will feel as if you are speaking directly to them. Ulti-mately it increases sales because you are speaking to a defined niche.
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