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Temperature and humidity on a test group of tobacco budworm

coverpasppintohaco0gtovAngamol1] coosNone ugly ndLaUnjo】 PhilippineEatomcllgist, 1992,8 (6) 1227 ~ 1246 Liu see equality. Area North of tied bundles of the occurrence of budworm. Insect, 1994,31 (3): 153 ~ 155 Class A Ho Lung. Bundle budworm life cycle and its temperature. Sichuan Agricultural Science and Technology. 1982, (4) 80 ~ 82 wu Jie Tan and so on. Determination of agricultural insect resistance. Nanjing Agricultural University, 1987.4 (Supp) 107 ~ 127 LI Dian-Mo and so on. Developmental threshold and fast estimation of effective temperature. Insect. 1986,23 (4) 184 ~ 187 Liu Zhenzhou and so on. Bundles of armyworm infestation capsicum. Plant Protection, 1983, (4) 28 ~ 29 ZHANG Xiao Xi and so on. Factors of cotton bollworm wild soil - soil water and of Pan Gu and the emergence of the relationship. Insect, 1980,17 (1) 9 ~ 13EFFECToFTEMPERATUREANDHUMIDITYoNLABoRAToRYPoPULATIoNoFH exposed LJCDyE crown PAASSULAXieLiqunJiangMingxingZhangXiaoxi (DepartmentcfPlaatProtection, NanjlngASriculturalUniversityNanjmg210095) AbstractThedevelopmenta1duration. surviva1ratesandfecundityoftobaccobud-wormHelicoverpaassulta (Guen6e) werestudiedinthelaboratory. Theresultsshowedthatthesurvivalratesofwholegenerationwere23.28, 37. O4, 44.22.3O. 21. and8.28, andthetrendindexesofpopulationwere13.45, 65.68,72.57,30.69, and0,timberland shoes, attheconstanttemperaturesof20, 24,28,32, and36 ℃, respectively. Thedevelopmentthresholdtemperaturesforeggs,uggs ireland, first, second,mbt schuhe, third, fourth, fifth, andsixthinstarlarvae, prepupae, andpupaewere12.03 ℃, i0.39 ℃, 8.97 ℃, 8.96 ℃, i0.87 ℃, l1.23 ℃,moncler outlet, 9.16 ℃ , 11.40 ℃, and10.69 ℃, respectively. Theireffectiveaccumulatedtemperatureswere47.62, 56.46,44.30,4 O. 57,26.26,33.94,64.61,34.50. and202-45day-degrees, respectively. Highertemperaturesexposeddailyforashorttime. abowe39 ℃ for4h/day, wereunfavorableconditionsforthelivingofthisinsect. At28and32 ℃, humidityconditioncouldinfluencethesurviva1ofthefirststadiumlarvae. prepupaeandpupae, buthadnosignificanteffectonthedevelopmenta1duration. KeywordsHelicoverpaassulta (Guen6e),p90x workout schedule, temperature, humidity, population6789012
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